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Spear Digest Dental Articles

How to Take a Bite

How to Take a Bite

Learn techniques to get predictable results every time when taking patient bite records.

| 11 years ago
How Much is Enough?

How Much is Enough?

In restorative dentistry there are certain requirements needed to fabricate restorations that will meet our needs as well as those of our patients....

| 12 years ago
Staging Comprehensive Care

Staging Comprehensive Care

If you asked most of your patients if they would fix their teeth if money were no object, the vast majority would say yes. We all have patients in our...

| 12 years ago
Committee Finds No Link Between Periodontal Disease and Heart Disease

Committee Finds No Link Between Periodontal Disease and Heart Disease

Many of you may have received the e-mail Issue Alert from the ADA about the link between gum disease and heart disease. According to a recent scientific...

| 12 years ago
Ovate Pontic Maryland Bridges for Implant Temporaries

Ovate Pontic Maryland Bridges for Implant Temporaries

Anterior implants are the most challenging implant to restore. Everything must be spot on for it to be considered a success. With the advent of cone...

| 12 years ago
Provide a Horizontal Reference For Your Lab

Provide a Horizontal Reference For Your Lab

When taking full-face photos of your patients (full face smile, the eyes and retracted teeth apart pre-op, the eyes and retracted teeth apart provisionals,...

| 12 years ago
Three Ways to Ruin the Relationship With Your Dental Technician

Three Ways to Ruin the Relationship With Your Dental Technician

One of the areas not often talked about in dentistry is the communication between dentists and lab technicians. This connection is vital not only for...

| 12 years ago
Dental X-Rays Linked to Brain Tumors?

Dental X-Rays Linked to Brain Tumors?

A recent study published in an early electronic version of Cancer a publication of The American Cancer Society, links dental x-ray exposure to brain tumors,...

| 12 years ago
What Happened Here?

What Happened Here?

A young lady came into my practice last week complaining of pain on the right side of her face. Her discomfort had been growing in intensity since she...

| 12 years ago
Can Bonding Broken Tooth Fragments Really Work?

Can Bonding Broken Tooth Fragments Really Work?

A 19-year-old patient named Tim presented with a crown fracture on his two central incisors. We decided to use the broken teeth fragments he brought with...

| 12 years ago
I've Just Got to Ask Why

I've Just Got to Ask Why

As a father, one of the most common questions I get from my two boys is 'Why?' Why this, why that, why me, why now – and the list goes on. Sometimes...

| 12 years ago
Easy Custom Fit Makes For Happy Patients

Easy Custom Fit Makes For Happy Patients

Plastic dental trays are great time savers and they allow dental teams to make individual adjustments for better fit. When you have a tray...

| 12 years ago