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Spear Digest Dental Articles

How CBCT Saved Our Keisters

How CBCT Saved Our Keisters

We look at how cone beam CT helped better prepare a dentist and surgeon for implant placement surgery.

| 12 years ago
Four Easy Steps to Midline Inclination

Four Easy Steps to Midline Inclination

Midline inclination isn't only noticed by dental professionals, anybody can notice an imperfect inclination even if it's as little as one millimeter...

| 12 years ago
When Muscle Harmony Prevents Pain

When Muscle Harmony Prevents Pain

The forces generated in occlusion are provided by muscle activity. These forces have a physiologic range that creates harmony with the joints and teeth....

| 12 years ago
Lip Service: How to Evaluate a Crooked Smile

Lip Service: How to Evaluate a Crooked Smile

A person's smile is a work of art. Think about it, the lips function as the frame and the teeth are the picture. As with actual pieces of art, we look...

| 12 years ago
What Happened Here?

What Happened Here?

A young lady came into my practice last week complaining of pain on the right side of her face. Her discomfort had been growing in intensity since she...

| 12 years ago
What Can Anthropologists Teach You About Tooth Wear?

What Can Anthropologists Teach You About Tooth Wear?

It's obviously a progressive condition. People's teeth wear more as they get older. Is tooth wear really a problem? As dentists, of course we feel that...

| 12 years ago
Why Are Dentists Afraid of Worn Dentition?

Why Are Dentists Afraid of Worn Dentition?

More than any other, the dilemmas presented by the wear patient cause confusion and fear in dentists. Understanding the wear patient is the first step...

| 12 years ago
Is The Bite Right? Part II

Is The Bite Right? Part II

This is the second of a two-part series discussing the philosophy of occlusion. Read part I, Is The Bite Right?. The crucial question of occlusion...

| 12 years ago
Is the Bite Right?

Is the Bite Right?

For many, occlusion is one of the most confusing topics in dentistry. So much of occlusion is unpredictable because it relies on how the patient responds,...

| 12 years ago
"My Teeth are Sore."

"My Teeth are Sore."

This individual presented for a restorative evaluation and during the exam reported that his front teeth are sometimes sore. The two images below show...

| 12 years ago
What’s the Best Course?

What’s the Best Course?

This 50-year-old woman presented with hopeless teeth from the upper right central through the upper left second molar. Her one remaining molar on...

| 12 years ago
You Got ME!

You Got ME!

This 58-year-old male recently came into my practice for a restorative evaluation. He has a history of nocturnal bruxism and also has evidence of some...

| 12 years ago