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Spear Digest Dental Articles

One Job Board to Rule Them All

One Job Board to Rule Them All

In the last two articles we dove into sourcing strategies for selecting candidates. First, we talked about the preparation that needs to go into creating...

| 9 years ago
Hiring a New Hygienist? Try This...

Hiring a New Hygienist? Try This...

Now that you have a clear picture of what you want, it's time to find some candidates! Most dentists will take an approach that recruiters refer to as...

| 9 years ago
The Importance of a Job Analysis When Hiring

The Importance of a Job Analysis When Hiring

If you have ever had to hire someone, you can relate to the frustration of not getting great candidates. As the economy improves, the war for talent will...

| 9 years ago
Working Interviews: Why Should I Pay Them?

Working Interviews: Why Should I Pay Them?

In my last article, I went over the best ways to combat the halo/horn effect when hiring new staff members. Within that article, I briefly touched on the...

| 9 years ago
Your Interviews Are Biased - Here's How to Fix That Problem

Your Interviews Are Biased - Here's How to Fix That Problem

In my last article, I outlined one of the common human errors that occur when making hiring decisions – the halo/horn effect. This concept describes a...

| 9 years ago
Let's Talk About Hiring Cycles

Let's Talk About Hiring Cycles

In my last two articles, we discussed how to end the employment relationship. Terminating an employee can be a rather dark topic to talk about, so in...

| 10 years ago
The Ins and Outs of Progressive Discipline Procedures

The Ins and Outs of Progressive Discipline Procedures

Now that we have dealt with why progressive discipline is necessary, let's talk about how to implement it into your practice. Paul Falcone's book, '101...

| 10 years ago
How to Deal With Employee Termination

How to Deal With Employee Termination

In a recent article, I addressed steps to handle the low-hanging fruit of voluntary resignations. In this article, I'm going to discuss what you need...

| 10 years ago
Understanding Your Unemployment Insurance Rate

Understanding Your Unemployment Insurance Rate

Among the controllable costs for any practice is the unemployment insurance rate that you must pay for your employees. In most states, the percentage...

| 10 years ago