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Spear Digest Dental Articles

Listen Closely Or Your Patients Won't Return

Listen Closely Or Your Patients Won't Return

If a patient feels that you're not listening to them, they will leave your practice. Recently I had a patient come in who told me she left her previous...

| 12 years ago
When Pufferfish Lose Their Teeth

When Pufferfish Lose Their Teeth

According to a press release from the University of Sheffield, United Kingdom, researchers from the institution's Department of Animal and Plant Sciences...

| 12 years ago
Send a Message Your Patients Won't Forget

Send a Message Your Patients Won't Forget

It's one of the ironies of modern life that while we are more connected than ever it can be harder than ever to reach someone. A call to a home phone...

| 12 years ago
Your Patient Base: From Scarcity to Abundance

Your Patient Base: From Scarcity to Abundance

We all know that the greatest portion of the earth's surface – about two-thirds – is covered with water. And that seems like an...

| 12 years ago
How to Make a Connection by Changing the Way You Gather Information

How to Make a Connection by Changing the Way You Gather Information

It's a fact of life in dental practices that you need to collect data from new patients. It's also a fact of life that nobody really enjoys sitting and...

| 12 years ago
When Life Hands You Lemon-Suckers ...

When Life Hands You Lemon-Suckers ...

Odds are you've seen a significant amount of tooth wear in your practice. They are all out there – the lemon-suckers and the night-grinders –...

| 12 years ago
Four Easy Steps to Midline Inclination

Four Easy Steps to Midline Inclination

Midline inclination isn't only noticed by dental professionals, anybody can notice an imperfect inclination even if it's as little as one millimeter...

| 12 years ago
Do You Have a Backup Plan?

Do You Have a Backup Plan?

Have you ever wanted to throw your computer out of an open window? We've all been there: the frozen screen, lost files, or worse – the crashed hard...

| 12 years ago
Don't Give Patients the Fast Food Treatment

Don't Give Patients the Fast Food Treatment

These days employees are so trained to follow a script and gather information in a certain order, they don't even notice when you've given them a lot...

| 12 years ago
Reinforcing Temporaries

Reinforcing Temporaries

Dr. Frank Spear discusses reinforcing temporary bridges if they need to be in for an extended period of time.

| 12 years ago
Are You Smarter Than a Harvard Student?

Are You Smarter Than a Harvard Student?

Here's a simple puzzle: A bat and ball together cost $1.10. The bat costs one dollar more than the ball. How much does the ball cost? If...

| 12 years ago
Patients Respond to Genuine Communication

Patients Respond to Genuine Communication

Patients leave our practice; we don't like it but it happens. Sometimes the reasons they leave are beyond our control. If they're moving out of the area...

| 12 years ago