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Spear Digest Dental Articles

Managing the Problem Versus Curing It: Part II

Managing the Problem Versus Curing It: Part II

In my last article, I mentioned that the average life span continues to increase over time and because of this fact, the treatment we provide for our...

| 9 years ago
Saving for the Future: Part I

Saving for the Future: Part I

This 8-year-old patient presented to my office in late October of 2005, having fallen from her bicycle earlier in the day. In addition to the small...

| 9 years ago
Managing the Problem Versus Curing It: Part I

Managing the Problem Versus Curing It: Part I

Removing a tooth is a decision that clinicians make on a routine basis. This is often an easy decision, like when a tooth has a vertical root fracture....

| 9 years ago
To Graft or Not to Graft?

To Graft or Not to Graft?

Even with advancements in modern dentistry, tooth extraction is still a common procedure that is completed. In some cases, it is the only choice that...

| 10 years ago
Modification of Existing Restoration to Screw Retained Provisional

Modification of Existing Restoration to Screw Retained Provisional

This patient was referred by her dentist for restoration of the dental implant in the central incisor position. She was expecting an experience similar...

| 10 years ago
Is Food Wreaking Havoc on Your Implants?

Is Food Wreaking Havoc on Your Implants?

Over the years I have noticed sometimes after placing and restoring implants—especially on lower posterior areas—that the proximal contacts seemed to open up...

| 10 years ago
So You Hated Setting Denture Teeth?

So You Hated Setting Denture Teeth?

For many of us, removable pros lab was a pain in the elbow. Yet everything we need to know about esthetics can be demonstrated in a denture setup....

| 10 years ago
Should Molar Implant Restorations be Cemented?

Should Molar Implant Restorations be Cemented?

A patient presents for an evaluation with the primary concern that the 'bite' has never felt right following insertion of dental implant supported restorations...

| 10 years ago
How to Minimize Residual Cement on Implant Restorations

How to Minimize Residual Cement on Implant Restorations

Multiple approaches have been discussed in the dental literature on how to best cement an implant restoration and minimize the chance of leaving residual...

| 10 years ago
Understanding Cement-Retained Implant Restorations

Understanding Cement-Retained Implant Restorations

In a previous article I discussed the advantages and disadvantages of both screw-retained and cement-retained implant restorations. Although I have...

| 10 years ago
Simplifying Open Tray Impressions [Part II]

Simplifying Open Tray Impressions [Part II]

In Part I of this series I discussed how 'guide cones' can help with open tray implant impressions. In this article I'll discuss forming your tray and...

| 10 years ago
Simplifying Open Tray Impressions [Part I]

Simplifying Open Tray Impressions [Part I]

When it comes to implant impressions do you prefer open or closed tray impressions? For me, the biggest reason I prefer closed tray is I hate trying to...

| 10 years ago