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Spear Digest Dental Articles

Something to Think About Before You Buy a Dental Practice

Something to Think About Before You Buy a Dental Practice

I have some important advice for dentists – particularly new dentists – who are about to buy a practice. It's advice that should seem obvious...

| 12 years ago
Four Questions to Ask When Making Reinvestment Decisions

Four Questions to Ask When Making Reinvestment Decisions

Is it right clinically? A strong ethic for ideal patient care is the driving force of a successful practice. Scrutinize any potential purchase through...

| 12 years ago
Are You Speaking to Today's Consumers?

Are You Speaking to Today's Consumers?

Think of how technology has changed your television-viewing experience in recent years. You now have the ability to 'time-shift' and watch what you want...

| 12 years ago
How a Dual Monitor Strategy Can Increase Productivity

How a Dual Monitor Strategy Can Increase Productivity

One of the best productivity tricks implemented in our office is the use of dual monitors. Computer programmers and designers have long advocated that...

| 12 years ago
Are You Making a Life or Just Making a Living?

Are You Making a Life or Just Making a Living?

Remember what it felt like to be a child discovering new things each day? Remember the feeling of wonder and accomplishment as you developed new skills...

| 12 years ago
What Are Your Patients Saying About You?

What Are Your Patients Saying About You?

There was a time – those of you of a certain age will remember it well – when one of the most powerful marketing tools you had as a dentist was...

| 12 years ago
What Makes You So Special?

What Makes You So Special?

To most people, dentists are dentists. I know you have loyal patients who have been with you a long time, and wouldn't think of going anywhere else. However,...

| 12 years ago
The Case of the Blind Dentist

The Case of the Blind Dentist

One of the most distressing trends I've seen in my years in this industry is the astonishing number of dentists over the age of 55 who have only...

| 12 years ago
Make Your Schedule Work For You

Make Your Schedule Work For You

Does it seem to you that most of your days are spent doing 'assembly line' dentistry? Do you have little time for the more rewarding dentistry you want...

| 12 years ago
The Champion Effect

The Champion Effect

You see it in sports all the time: A player goes from a mediocre team to a championship team and suddenly starts performing at a higher level. Presumably...

| 12 years ago
Beat the Overhead Game

Beat the Overhead Game

When I see dentists who are feeling pressured by runaway expenses, I find it's seldom a result of reckless spending. If anything, they're often too focused...

| 12 years ago
Are You Ready to Change the Way You Think?

Are You Ready to Change the Way You Think?

Here's what happens when you introduce a transformative new idea to a large group of people: Some people will find a reason to dismiss it. For...

| 12 years ago