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Spear Digest Dental Articles

Conflict Management for Dental Practice Team Members

Conflict Management for Dental Practice Team Members

Conflict management in a dental practice is crucial for staff morale and productivity. Here's what you need to know about handling interpersonal conflicts...

| 3 weeks ago
Rubber Dam Benefits Part 2: Advocating for Cofferdam Integration

Rubber Dam Benefits Part 2: Advocating for Cofferdam Integration

In this follow-up to his last article on the cofferdam, Dr. Jason Smithson offers some tips for overcoming common objections and advocating for its use.

| 1 month ago
5 Illegal Dental Billing Practices to Avoid

5 Illegal Dental Billing Practices to Avoid

There are five illegal billing practices you may unintentionally commit when providing estimates, unbundling services, or navigating medical coding. Stay...

| 1 month ago
Managing Dentogingival Discrepancies: Orthodontic and Surgical Options

Managing Dentogingival Discrepancies: Orthodontic and Surgical Options

Dr. Mitrani offers insight on surgical and orthodontic treatment in dentogingival discrepancies in this article.

| 2 months ago
Building a Better Dental Patient Relationship #2: Communication Tips

Building a Better Dental Patient Relationship #2: Communication Tips

Dr. Mitrani provides tips to improve communication and the dentist-patient relationship in part 2 of this...

| 3 months ago
Silencing the Dreaded Phone Call from the Restoration Lab

Silencing the Dreaded Phone Call from the Restoration Lab

Every dentist has faced 'the dreaded phone call' from the restoration lab about space discrepancies. Dr. Jeffrey Bonk gives practical tips to cut down...

| 3 months ago
How to Have Situational Awareness in Dentistry

How to Have Situational Awareness in Dentistry

Knowing how to have situational awareness is key to ensuring strong treatment outcomes. Gain insights from Custer's Last Stand to apply to your planning.

| 4 months ago
Pre-extraction Therapy for Immediate Implant Placement

Pre-extraction Therapy for Immediate Implant Placement

Dr. Gonzalo Blasi recounts a case study of an immediate implant placement involving pre-extraction therapy in a patient with specific risk factors.

| 4 months ago
Self-Awareness:  An Essential Trait of Contemporary Teambuilding

Self-Awareness: An Essential Trait of Contemporary Teambuilding

Spear's Dr. Ricardo Mitrani, discusses the benefits of using self-awareness in teambuilding to create healthier and happier relationships.

| 5 months ago
Customizing a Custom Abutment: When a Custom Abutment Is Not Custom Enough

Customizing a Custom Abutment: When a Custom Abutment Is Not Custom Enough

Dr. John Carson walks through a case where a custom abutment needs to be further customized.

| 5 months ago
5 Tips on Selling Your Dental Practice Without Surprises

5 Tips on Selling Your Dental Practice Without Surprises

The best tips for selling a dental practice center on preparation. Know your assets, value, people, and liabilities early to avoid surprises.

| 6 months ago
Managing the Midline Diastema Part 3: The Restoration

Managing the Midline Diastema Part 3: The Restoration

In the final article of this series on midline diastemas, Dr. Jason Smithson walks through the step-by-step process of doing the restoration with direct...

| 6 months ago