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Spear Digest Dental Articles

Weird Stuff I Get to See

Weird Stuff I Get to See

This bridge has been in place for about 20 years. The patient is beginning a comprehensive course of treatment and we are getting ready for ortho so...

| 14 years ago
A Reminder About the Process

A Reminder About the Process

I was speaking to a patient recently and I asked if she wanted to do something about her 'gummy smile.' 'What gummy smile?' she responded, and then asked for a...

| 14 years ago
How Much Is .1mm?

How Much Is .1mm?

I have a pet peeve. It has to do with prepping teeth. I still remember my operative instructor in junior clinic telling me to 'drop that proximal box...

| 14 years ago
What is Good?

What is Good?

If you are like me (and most other dentists), nothing is ever exactly what I want. The second molars in the picture above have occlusal milled composite...

| 14 years ago
Magic Hemostasis

Magic Hemostasis

I try really hard not to touch tissue when I prep teeth or when I am delivering bonded ceramic restorations. Blood is the enemy and I don't like red margins....

| 14 years ago
Whose Teeth Are They Anyway?

Whose Teeth Are They Anyway?

I recently completed a case for a young dentist. It had been a long haul for the two of us, and I was both excited and anxious on the day of delivery....

| 14 years ago
Crown Modalities

Crown Modalities

I recently presented a program at the Florida National Dental Convention held in Orlando. A member of the audience came up to me and asked if we teach...

| 14 years ago
Exquisite Impressions

Exquisite Impressions

For many years, diagnostic impressions weren't given the attention they deserved. As I began to utilize diagnostic models in my practice, the need to...

| 14 years ago
Creating Great Contacts

Creating Great Contacts

Recently, while preparing for a lecture on posterior restorative dentistry, I did some research on matrices so I could discuss creating an ideal contact...

| 14 years ago
Belt and Suspenders

Belt and Suspenders

Provisionals on veneer preparations can be challenging. The 'shrink to fit' or 'shrink-wrap' technique has gained popularity over the years. That is,...

| 14 years ago