This article describes how using a facebow with a semi-adjustable articulator will save you time, money and help improve patient satisfaction.
Steve Ratcliff | 7 years ago ›You would think after 36 years in dentistry that I would know better. The patient seems great, the story sounds plausible, the exam is promising...
Steve Ratcliff | 9 years ago ›This is a patient who after several years of procrastinating has decided to move forward with treatment. The deciding factor for her was recurrent decay...
Steve Ratcliff | 9 years ago ›Lip Service: How to Evaluate a Crooked Smile
A person's smile is a work of art. Think about it, the lips function as the frame and the teeth are the picture. As with actual pieces of art, we look...
Steve Ratcliff | 12 years ago ›This 50-year-old woman presented with hopeless teeth from the upper right central through the upper left second molar. Her one remaining molar on...
Steve Ratcliff | 12 years ago ›Sigh … Where are the easy ones? Part 2
You saw this 55-year-old patient in my last blog, 'Sigh...Where Are The Easy Ones? Part 1', so you know that she has a deteriorating joint on the left side...
Steve Ratcliff | 13 years ago ›Sigh … Where are the easy ones? Part 1
It has been said that there are no easy cases, and I think that I believe it after the run of new patients I've had the past six months. So, once again,...
Steve Ratcliff | 13 years ago ›It is Always a Question of Values
I have a good friend who recently had a very challenging experience with her longtime dentist. She has been in the practice since she was a child and...
Steve Ratcliff | 13 years ago ›Those blasted buccal shots! Hard to see and hard to be sure that the correct alignment and framing are in the image. Most of the time, I believe that...
Steve Ratcliff | 13 years ago ›