Replacing Teeth and Tissue Using a Mini Bar
Dr. John Carson uses an implant-supported fixed-removable partial denture to successfully treat a patient with six missing maxillary anterior teeth and...
John Carson | 4 years ago ›When the clinician and the dental patient share the same mindset it takes the sting of disappointment out of any breakage or failure that may occur with...
John Carson | 4 years ago ›Are Scuba Divers Really at Significant Increased Risk for Dental Symptoms?
We review recent research on how scuba diving can affect dental health.
John Carson | 8 years ago ›Diagnosing Dental Pain: The Phantom Menace
When diagnosing dental pain, it can be frustrating when initial tests don't reveal much if anything. One dentist shares how he solved one such case.
John Carson | 8 years ago ›Cone Beam CTs: You Don't Know What You Don't Know
Do you remember the days back in dental school when we would look at a radiographs and say something like, 'Well, we can't tell for sure but that looks...
John Carson | 9 years ago ›At one time or another, we all want or need to move gingival tissues. While our patients may need us to do that in order to reach their goals, it is a...
John Carson | 9 years ago ›Are You Standing in the Way of Treatment?
One thing I often hear is that most dentists would like to have the constraints and limitations they face with insurance to vanish. I also hear the same...
John Carson | 12 years ago ›