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Spear Digest Dental Articles

A Good Day

A Good Day

Anytime I get all the preps in my impression, I'm ecstatic – even more so when it's this many preps. Alas, I must confess that the distal margin on...

| 12 years ago
Digital Dentures

Digital Dentures

I had an interesting visit to a company here in Scottsdale that is fabricating 'digital' dentures. The technique is based on impressions that are stitched...

| 12 years ago


I'm planning for a patient appointment shortly after New Year's, and part of my preparation is putting together the appropriate checklist. Do you use...

| 12 years ago
Custom Staining Restorations

Custom Staining Restorations

'OK Mrs. Jones, I'm just going to run in the back and stain that restoration we tried in. It will only take a minute, and then we can cement it and get...

| 12 years ago
How Old is Your Shade Guide?

How Old is Your Shade Guide?

Most dentists receive or purchase their shade guides in dental school and continue to use them throughout their careers. How old is your shade guide?...

| 12 years ago
Custom Styled and Fabricated by Hand

Custom Styled and Fabricated by Hand

When my glasses suffered a unilateral fatality yesterday I anticipated several days of 'imbalance' as we complete 10 days packed with four...

| 12 years ago
Don't You Love a Challenge?

Don't You Love a Challenge?

This young lady decided to try shooting a handgun that had considerable recoil. Without proper instruction, she pulled the trigger and the gun kicked...

| 12 years ago
It’s Like Riding a Bike…

It’s Like Riding a Bike…

You learn to do by doing – that's something we come to understand as we get older. But remember when you were first discovering new capabilities,...

| 13 years ago
Photo Tips

Photo Tips

Those blasted buccal shots! Hard to see and hard to be sure that the correct alignment and framing are in the image. Most of the time, I believe that...

| 13 years ago
Fitting an Anterior Bite Plane

Fitting an Anterior Bite Plane

Part of the fabrication of an anterior bite plane appliance is assuring the fit. I hear lots of feedback that people struggle with them being too tight...

| 13 years ago
Direct Temporary vs. Indirect Temporary

Direct Temporary vs. Indirect Temporary

This is one of the participants at Advanced Restorative Design loading a copyplast matrix for a temporary. Are you a copyplast temporary maker...

| 13 years ago
Diamond Polishing Paste

Diamond Polishing Paste

Lee Ann Brady suggests using diamond polishing paste as the final step when finishing porcelain, composite and even natural tooth surfaces after they...

| 13 years ago