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Spear Digest Dental Articles

Write Your Own Ticket for a Better Life in Dentistry

Write Your Own Ticket for a Better Life in Dentistry

'Somebody said to me, 'But the Beatles were anti-materialistic.' That's a huge myth. John and I literally used to sit down and say, 'Now, let's write a...

| 11 years ago
Is Social Media Really Important for Dentists?

Is Social Media Really Important for Dentists?

I don't know if you've heard from all of the experts in the industry, but social media is running for President, has cured the common cold and is currently...

| 11 years ago
Obsess About Your Patients

Obsess About Your Patients

Jeff Bezos, the founder of Amazon, built a world-dominating retail enterprise from his garage. In those early days he had very limited resources, but...

| 11 years ago
The Secret to a Real Vision: Think Big

The Secret to a Real Vision: Think Big

The first rule for creating a life vision is to think big. I don't mean pie-in-the-sky fantasies of what you want from life. An effective vision must...

| 11 years ago
'Be So Good, They Can't Ignore You'

'Be So Good, They Can't Ignore You'

Yes, that is a photo of Shelli and I standing alongside our good friends Steve Martin and Martin Short. Okay, maybe we're not really close personal...

| 11 years ago
Six Bad Reasons to Not Think About a Transition

Six Bad Reasons to Not Think About a Transition

Why deal with the headaches of managing a 'big' practice when you can just keep things at a nice intimate level?

| 11 years ago
Can You Spot the Two Patients in Your Schedule Ready for Ideal Care?

Can You Spot the Two Patients in Your Schedule Ready for Ideal Care?

The equation that drives dentistry: How often you get to deliver ideal care is going to depend on what patients choose to accept. It's one thing to diagnose...

| 11 years ago
Passing the Marshmallow Test

Passing the Marshmallow Test

It's one of the most famous and successful behavioral experiments ever. It's been called the Marshmallow Test. In the late 60s, researchers at Stanford...

| 11 years ago
Why Dentists Should Never Take No For an Answer

Why Dentists Should Never Take No For an Answer

What do you do when a patient says no to the treatment you have presented? If you're like many dentists you consider your job done, accept their decision...

| 11 years ago
A Fundamental Truth About Patient Loyalty

A Fundamental Truth About Patient Loyalty

As a dentist you want to believe that your patients are loyal, and at least when it comes to hygiene and routine treatment, most of them are. But how...

| 11 years ago
The Right Way to Introduce a Patient to a New Associate

The Right Way to Introduce a Patient to a New Associate

Patients don't want to feel like second-class citizens in the practice, but that's what can happen when you introduce an associate and start to move long-time...

| 11 years ago
A Lesson in the Power of Suggestion

A Lesson in the Power of Suggestion

Take a look at what happened when Jimmy Kimmel sent someone out in the street to get people's reactions to what they think is the new iPhone:...

| 11 years ago