Learning Module:

Treatment Options for Long-Term Provisionalization








Jeffrey Bonk

Alternatives for tooth replacement depend upon the nature of the tooth loss and the growth and development of the patient. In this module, Dr. Bonk describes situations that contribute to missing teeth and their replacement options. He discusses a variety of treatment alternatives and provides several case studies from his own practice to show how to use resin-bonded bridges for fixed long-term provisionals. Study club members will understand why resin-bonded fixed retainers are ideal for replacing missing teeth as a conservative and cost-effective method. This module is a precursor to a technique workshop course that shows step-by-step techniques for fabricating, removing and repairing resin-bonded bridges.

Learning Objectives:

  • Understand how to use a decision tree to manage missing teeth with provisional replacements.
  • Understand how the growth and development of a patient affects the timing and type of provisional used for missing tooth spaces.
  • Understand how to manage teeth with potential root fractures.

Supporting Images