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Spear Digest Dental Articles

The Problem With Being a Really Good Dentist

The Problem With Being a Really Good Dentist

You get a new patient in the chair (always an exciting time) and you provide a comprehensive examination and diagnosis to the best of your abilities...

| 11 years ago
Every Visit Ends With a Choice

Every Visit Ends With a Choice

There is a fundamental truth of life in a dental practice, and it's easy to lose sight of: choice. Delivering comprehensive dentistry means spending a...

| 11 years ago
Why You Should Sweat the Small Stuff

Why You Should Sweat the Small Stuff

When you enter an Apple store you don't get the hard sell from anyone because they don't have to. You were probably 'sold' on Apple long before you came...

| 11 years ago
Affordability is a Mindset

Affordability is a Mindset

It's easy to say that the national economy is suffering and that people simply aren't able to accept as much dental care as they used to. That's true...

| 11 years ago
How to Bring Patients 'Up-to-Date' on Their Dental Care

How to Bring Patients 'Up-to-Date' on Their Dental Care

I'm sure you have at least a few patients like this. When they open wide, you see what I call a 'museum of dentistry.' From a dentist's perspective the...

| 11 years ago
Can You Spot the Two Patients in Your Schedule Ready for Ideal Care?

Can You Spot the Two Patients in Your Schedule Ready for Ideal Care?

The equation that drives dentistry: How often you get to deliver ideal care is going to depend on what patients choose to accept. It's one thing to diagnose...

| 11 years ago
How to Turn an Emergency into an Opportunity

How to Turn an Emergency into an Opportunity

Your day is booked solid, and you're on track and on time. Then it happens – an emergency patient has to be squeezed in. It can feel like someone...

| 11 years ago
The First Rule of Competing in Today's Marketplace

The First Rule of Competing in Today's Marketplace

Today's patients have more forces clamoring for their attention and wallet than ever before. They may have said 'I'll think about it' while they were...

| 12 years ago
One Simple Word That Drives Case Acceptance

One Simple Word That Drives Case Acceptance

I've been saying for some time now – in my recent e-books and elsewhere – that today's patients are savvy consumers and that they make...

| 12 years ago
Are You Having 'Value of the Mouth' Conversations?

Are You Having 'Value of the Mouth' Conversations?

Very few people plan for dental care in their budget, and case acceptance will always depend to some degree on affordability. However, affordability is...

| 12 years ago
What Can The Olympics Teach Us About Patients

What Can The Olympics Teach Us About Patients

Unless you're an avid swimming enthusiast I bet that you seldom follow swimming competitions. But in the last few days, millions of people are suddenly...

| 12 years ago
Where Do You Draw the Line?

Where Do You Draw the Line?

Every dentist, whether they think about it or not, has a line. It's a line represented by a dollar amount. Anything up to that line they feel comfortable...

| 12 years ago