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Spear Digest Dental Articles

The Trust and Value Equation

The Trust and Value Equation

Do your patients trust you? Before you answer that we should stop and think about what we mean by trust because this really is at the heart of the dentist-patient...

| 10 years ago
Dentistry That Speaks to the Heart

Dentistry That Speaks to the Heart

My sons are fanatical sports fans and they love going to games in person. Personally, I never used to be a big follower of sports but with those two around...

| 10 years ago
One Simple Word That Drives Case Acceptance [Ed.]

One Simple Word That Drives Case Acceptance [Ed.]

I've been saying for some time now – in my e-books and elsewhere – that today's patients are savvy consumers and that they make decisions...

| 11 years ago
The Two a Day Strategy for Acceptance Breakthroughs

The Two a Day Strategy for Acceptance Breakthroughs

Patients become programmed by their expectations. They expect that you and the team will be friendly and encouraging. They expect you to be professional...

| 11 years ago
The Hidden Benefits of Choosing the Right Words

The Hidden Benefits of Choosing the Right Words

I heard about an interesting study recently. Researchers came to find that if you tell people to 'not forget' something they are more likely to forget...

| 11 years ago
Competing in Today's Economic Landscape

Competing in Today's Economic Landscape

More people these days think of dentistry in terms of lifestyle-enhancing makeovers. They look at high-profile people in the media-saturated world around...

| 11 years ago
Are You Still Babysitting Your Patients?

Are You Still Babysitting Your Patients?

As a parent, I spent a lot of time when my sons were young trying to get them to do things for their own good. Whether it was doing their homework and...

| 11 years ago
Three Questions to Ask About the Patient Who Got Away

Three Questions to Ask About the Patient Who Got Away

I often remind dentists that they are in competition not with other dentists but with all the other discretionary spending choices their patients have....

| 11 years ago
Five Questions to Help You Stop the Insanity

Five Questions to Help You Stop the Insanity

You are probably familiar with the quotation, often attributed to Albert Einstein: 'The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and...

| 11 years ago
The First Thing to Say When a Patient Says No

The First Thing to Say When a Patient Says No

What do you do when a patient says no to the dental problems you have shown them? If you're like many dentists, you consider your job done, accept their...

| 11 years ago
Why 'Now' is More Important Than Ever

Why 'Now' is More Important Than Ever

There was a time in America when the pattern of adult life was steady and predictable. You grew up, got a job and stayed in that job until you retired...

| 11 years ago
Why 'Bad' Patients Are Actually Good Patients

Why 'Bad' Patients Are Actually Good Patients

You will always have some patients who choose to accept nothing more than having you 'fix' their most immediate care concerns. But at the same time...

| 11 years ago