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Spear Digest Dental Articles

Ankylosis Part V: Autotransplantation

Ankylosis Part V: Autotransplantation

Typically when managing ankylosed teeth in children it is advisable to remove the ankylosed tooth prior to significant growth cycles so growth and subsequent...

| 9 years ago
Ankylosis Part IV:  The Use of Decoronation

Ankylosis Part IV: The Use of Decoronation

Typically when managing ankylosis in permanent teeth in children, it is advisable to remove the ankylosed tooth prior to significant growth so that the...

| 9 years ago
The 'Can Opener' Technique

The 'Can Opener' Technique

Coming into Dr. Spear's practice in the late 90s exposed me to a variety of implant restorations – a large number of which had been in place for...

| 10 years ago
Better Fitting Provisionals in One Easy Step

Better Fitting Provisionals in One Easy Step

We all strive to make our provisionals fit as well as we can. Improved fit of our provisional restorations reduces tooth sensitivity...

| 10 years ago
Custom Staining Provisional Restorations

Custom Staining Provisional Restorations

Provisional restorations have many purposes, one of the most important of which is to act as a 'blueprint' for the definitive restoration. Esthetic...

| 10 years ago
The Beauty of the Custom Incisal Guide Table

The Beauty of the Custom Incisal Guide Table

In my most recent articles, I've been going over how to treat patients with failed dentition due to pathway wear. As clinicians it's important to...

| 11 years ago
Three Options to Restore Patients in CR

Three Options to Restore Patients in CR

In previous articles, I covered the topic of doing a functional analysis on mounted models and it's importance. Although it was discussed how to mount...

| 11 years ago
Three Steps to Accurately Mounting Models

Three Steps to Accurately Mounting Models

In previous articles I've covered the topic of mounted models and their importance in treating clinical cases accurately and efficiently. Once you have...

| 11 years ago
Eggshell Provisionals: Full Arch Cases [Part III]

Eggshell Provisionals: Full Arch Cases [Part III]

As mentioned in Part I and Part II of this series, an easy way to transfer the esthetics and occlusion from the diagnostic wax-up to the mouth is to...

| 11 years ago
Eggshell Provisionals: Full Arch Cases [Part II]

Eggshell Provisionals: Full Arch Cases [Part II]

As discussed in Part I of this series, an easy way to transfer the esthetics and occlusion from the diagnostic wax-up to the mouth is to use the 'eggshell'...

| 11 years ago
Eggshell Provisionals: Full Arch Cases [Part I]

Eggshell Provisionals: Full Arch Cases [Part I]

If you happen to be creating provisionals for an exceptionally large case, such as a full arch, an easy way to transfer the esthetics and occlusion from...

| 11 years ago
Failure Risks of Restoring Endodontically Treated Teeth

Failure Risks of Restoring Endodontically Treated Teeth

It is well documented in the literature that restored teeth that are endodontically treated are at a higher risk of failure than the restoration of...

| 11 years ago