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Spear Digest Dental Articles

Complete Dentures ... What’s Your Strategy?

Complete Dentures ... What’s Your Strategy?

This article describes the category of the adult population that may be edentulous and strategies for those patients that may include dentures.

| 6 years ago
Maxillary Prosthesis Retained by Two Dental Implants

Maxillary Prosthesis Retained by Two Dental Implants

There are pros and cons to using only two dental implants when retaining maxillary prostheses.

| 7 years ago
Three Techniques to Help Quick-trigger Gag Reflex Patients

Three Techniques to Help Quick-trigger Gag Reflex Patients

As a dentist, it can be difficult to work with patients who suffer from severe gag reflexes, but these three techniques can help.

| 7 years ago
Dental Organizations Release Clinical Practice Guidelines for 2016

Dental Organizations Release Clinical Practice Guidelines for 2016

We break down the findings from the recently-published Clinical Practice Guidelines...

| 8 years ago
BULL Rule - Or Is It a Guideline?

BULL Rule - Or Is It a Guideline?

According to the BULL rule, modification should be made to the buccal cusps of the upper posterior teeth and the lingual cusps of the lower posterior...

| 8 years ago
Defining Space for a CAD/CAM Structure

Defining Space for a CAD/CAM Structure

Dental implant supported prostheses were traditionally designed for mal-adaptive denture patients with significant alveolar bone loss in the mandibular...

| 8 years ago
Facebows … Optimizing the Data

Facebows … Optimizing the Data

It is nearly impossible to find a textbook related to prosthodontics or restorative dentistry that does not mention the facebow as a technique to orient...

| 9 years ago
Shortened Dental Arch

Shortened Dental Arch

A phased restorative treatment strategy can provide the opportunity for many of our patients to proceed with a plan requiring a significant financial...

| 9 years ago
Denture to Interim Hybrid Using the Ministar

Denture to Interim Hybrid Using the Ministar

Fixed hybrid prostheses were traditionally designed for mal-adaptive denture patients with significant alveolar bone loss in the mandibular arch.  This...

| 9 years ago
Outcome Analysis for Fixed Hybrid Prostheses

Outcome Analysis for Fixed Hybrid Prostheses

Have you thought about your technique to achieve a reasonable understanding of a patient's expectations for dental treatment? Certainly, as we learn and...

| 9 years ago
Incisal Edge Position: Planning for an Overdenture

Incisal Edge Position: Planning for an Overdenture

Have you been through the experience of constructing an immediate denture where the patient returned from surgery with an overly prominent display of...

| 9 years ago
Individual Dental Implant Supported Restorations for Maxillary Incisors

Individual Dental Implant Supported Restorations for Maxillary Incisors

This patient has decided to have his upper maxillary incisors removed following a significant dental history that includes endodontic treatment, clinical...

| 9 years ago