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Spear Digest Dental Articles

Do You Talk About Dentistry?

Do You Talk About Dentistry?

You have a patient in the chair. She has an esthetic need that is obvious to anyone who has seen her smile. You're both aware of it, yet neither one of...

| 11 years ago
The First Step to Case Acceptance

The First Step to Case Acceptance

A new patient walks into a dental practice for her first visit. She approaches the front desk, waits for her turn to talk to someone and identifies herself....

| 12 years ago
Who Are The Best Advocates For Ideal Dentistry?

Who Are The Best Advocates For Ideal Dentistry?

A while ago, my longtime business partner, Dr. Glen Wysel, arrived at the office showing off the renewed dental work Dr. Frank Spear had performed on...

| 12 years ago
Unlocking an Important Truth About Technology

Unlocking an Important Truth About Technology

I remember when I got my first car with automatic door locks. To be more specific, I remember an incident that occurred shortly after getting that car....

| 12 years ago
Giving Patients What They Want is Not Good Enough

Giving Patients What They Want is Not Good Enough

When Apple was first developing the iPad it was suggested to Steve Jobs that they bring in focus groups so 'regular folks' could provide their thoughts...

| 12 years ago
The Difference Between Selling and Creating Value

The Difference Between Selling and Creating Value

How is it that Apple, one of the most successful retailers in history manages to do so much selling – without really selling? First of all, Apple...

| 12 years ago
Why Patients Are Right And Wrong About Dentistry Being Expensive

Why Patients Are Right And Wrong About Dentistry Being Expensive

When patients tell you they can't afford the dentistry you're presenting, they're usually right – or are they? It's a fact of life these days...

| 12 years ago
What You Need to Know About Patients' Wants

What You Need to Know About Patients' Wants

These are two words that come up a lot when we talk about dental care, so it's worth examining the psychology behind them. A want is something that...

| 12 years ago
Every Dentist Has an Accent

Every Dentist Has an Accent

People comment on my accent all the time. Personally, I don't hear it myself, although I have noticed that many people who remark on it seem to have quite...

| 12 years ago
It’s not about money – or is it?

It’s not about money – or is it?

Regardless of how you define success, that definition has to include an economic reality. 'To me, it's not about money – it's all about family...

| 12 years ago
What Does It Mean to be an Entrepreneur?

What Does It Mean to be an Entrepreneur?

In all my years of analyzing businesses, I've come to realize that success has some common denominators, which can be seen as the entrepreneur's mindset....

| 12 years ago
Huddle Up: New Patients and the Scale of Value

Huddle Up: New Patients and the Scale of Value

Dentists like new patients, because each new person they see represents unexplored opportunities. But not all new patients come to you with the same appreciation...

| 12 years ago