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Spear Digest Dental Articles

Implants: How Cool is That?

Implants: How Cool is That?

I've been working on a case with my world-class ceramist, Matt Roberts, for the past month. It is a case that will require some pink porcelain or composite...

| 9 years ago
Impression Materials: Pesky Air-inhibited Layer!

Impression Materials: Pesky Air-inhibited Layer!

Here's a tip I learned the hard way—twice! Before I used preparation guides and reduction guides for veneer and crown preparations I would make my provisionals before...

| 9 years ago
Dental Implants: What Implant is That?

Dental Implants: What Implant is That?

Since I am a restorative dentist, I usually rely on my surgeons to tell me what implant system they used if they refer a case to me. Sometimes, however,...

| 10 years ago
Help Your Lab Help You!

Help Your Lab Help You!

We all know that providing our lab with images of shade tabs against adjacent teeth helps them to produce the best possible results for our patients....

| 10 years ago
So You Hated Setting Denture Teeth?

So You Hated Setting Denture Teeth?

For many of us, removable pros lab was a pain in the elbow. Yet everything we need to know about esthetics can be demonstrated in a denture setup....

| 10 years ago
Treat or Extract? [Part II]

Treat or Extract? [Part II]

In Part 1 of this series, I asked if you would treat #14 or extract it. We saw both sides of the fence in this discussion. As...

| 10 years ago
When Bad Things Happen ...

When Bad Things Happen ...

Sometimes efforts at saving an implant make things worse. This case showed signs of recession shortly after the final crown was placed. Tissue...

| 11 years ago
Pesky Screw Access for Implants [Ed.]

Pesky Screw Access for Implants [Ed.]

This article, originally published 2/5/13, is one of our most widely read regarding tips about implants. Hate stuffing cotton pellets...

| 11 years ago
The Myth of the Angled Abutment

The Myth of the Angled Abutment

Implant position is critical to esthetic success, especially when the patient has a high smile line and is esthetically aware. At times, using an angled...

| 11 years ago
Pesky Screw Access for Implants

Pesky Screw Access for Implants

Hate stuffing cotton pellets into implant screw access? Tired of squirting light bodied impression material into those same openings and then trying to...

| 11 years ago
Tell Me What You See

Tell Me What You See

Here are a couple of photos from a patient who was referred to me for an upper implant supported restoration. She was not happy with...

| 12 years ago
How CBCT Saved Our Keisters

How CBCT Saved Our Keisters

We look at how cone beam CT helped better prepare a dentist and surgeon for implant placement surgery.

| 12 years ago