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Spear Digest Dental Articles

Outcome-based Preparation Design of Anterior Teeth: Part I

Outcome-based Preparation Design of Anterior Teeth: Part I

When preparing anterior teeth - or any tooth - having a clear vision of the final preparation is imperative. Here we break down five dimensions that must...

| 8 years ago
Phasing the Definitive Restorative Procedures

Phasing the Definitive Restorative Procedures

Systematic treatment planning can help a dentist save time and avoid frustration. Here is the five-phase key to success.

| 8 years ago
Treatment Planning and Outcome-based Preparation Design: 5 Requirements for a Successful Result

Treatment Planning and Outcome-based Preparation Design: 5 Requirements for a Successful Result

Dr. Bob Winter delivers a 5-step plan for successful outcome-based preparation design.

| 8 years ago
Monolithic Zirconia Restorations Can Fracture!

Monolithic Zirconia Restorations Can Fracture!

Despite their flexural strength, monolithic zirconia restorations can still break! Dr. Bob Winter discusses how to induce minimal trauma and demonstrates...

| 9 years ago
Ceramic Restorations: Predictable Adjusting and Polishing

Ceramic Restorations: Predictable Adjusting and Polishing

Learn the steps for adjusting and polishing ceramic restorations.

| 9 years ago
When to Use a Custom Incisal Guide Table?

When to Use a Custom Incisal Guide Table?

A common question asked of me is: 'When should I make or prescribe a custom incisal guide table?' If there is no pathway wear, generally there is not a...

| 11 years ago
Instrumentation for Equilibration

Instrumentation for Equilibration

In a previous article we discussed adjusting the mandibular incisal edges to accommodate for esthetic and functional changes in the maxillary...

| 11 years ago
Tape Your Trays

Tape Your Trays

A simple technique that helps to create ideal impressions is to use Scotch tape on the outer aspect of your slotted disposable trays. First, I suggest...

| 11 years ago
When to Use Triple Tray Impressions

When to Use Triple Tray Impressions

After my last article, 'What Your Lab Needs to Know: Simple Posterior Cases', there was a question posed to me about the accuracy of using triple...

| 11 years ago
What Your Lab Needs to Know: Simple Posterior Cases

What Your Lab Needs to Know: Simple Posterior Cases

This article will be the first in a series that discusses what your laboratory needs to know in order to produce the best outcome for your patients....

| 11 years ago