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Spear Digest Dental Articles

Integrating Airway into Your Practice

Integrating Airway into Your Practice

Discover how to integrate modern airway concepts into your restorative practice.

| 4 years ago
Why Do We Sleep?

Why Do We Sleep?

With airway as an increasing focus in dentistry, it's important to understand why our patients deserve 7-8 hours of restful sleep a night.

| 4 years ago
Airway, Sleep and Respiratory Reflux

Airway, Sleep and Respiratory Reflux

Learn a new perspective on reflux and the possible triggering mechanisms that occur during sleep.

| 5 years ago
Choosing the Correct Nightguard: Let the Patient Decide

Choosing the Correct Nightguard: Let the Patient Decide

Dr. Jeff Rouse breaks down the 5 main categories of appliances for wear patients and how to help a patient select the best nightguard for their...

| 5 years ago
Foundational Knowledge of Airway Starts With Knowing Why We Sleep

Foundational Knowledge of Airway Starts With Knowing Why We Sleep

If you want to offer the best treatment for airway dysfunction, you must understand the reason we sleep and how profoundly it affects one's overall health.

| 5 years ago
A Return Worth Investing In For Your Dental Career

A Return Worth Investing In For Your Dental Career

What's the true value of investing in continuing education and seminars like Airway Prosthodontics? Dr. Jeff Rouse breaks it down.

| 6 years ago
Should Dentists Recommend Wearing Dentures During Sleep?

Should Dentists Recommend Wearing Dentures During Sleep?

Years of research have shown the risks of wearing dentures to sleep, but its major airway benefits are worth considering.

| 6 years ago
Defining Hypopnea: What's In a Number?

Defining Hypopnea: What's In a Number?

Developing a solid understanding and definition of hypopnea is key to strengthening links between medicine and dentistry.

| 7 years ago
Nasal Breathing: Keystone to Oral and Systemic Health

Nasal Breathing: Keystone to Oral and Systemic Health

Mouth breathing can have significant impacts on a patient's oral and systemic health.

| 7 years ago
Orthodontics: A Link to Health and Wellness?

Orthodontics: A Link to Health and Wellness?

Studies suggest that orthodontic treatment goes far beyond function and esthetics and may play into patients' overall physical and mental health.

| 7 years ago