A New Dental Patient Case Study, Part 2: Diagnosis and Treatment Options
In the conclusion to this series, Dr. Jim McKee goes through the process of diagnosing, and offering treatment options to a new dental patient with jaw...
Jim McKee | 1 year ago ›A New Dental Patient Case Study, Part 1: The Letter
In the first of a 2-part series, Dr. Jim McKee shares a letter he received from a new dental patient he was about to see—and breaks down the significance of...
Jim McKee | 1 year ago ›TMJ and Treatment Planning: Treating Joint Issues for More Predictable Results
TMJ and treatment planning are interconnected. If a TMJ issue is discovered, having a predictable workflow for joint-based treatment planning can help....
Jim McKee | 2 years ago ›Why Full Coverage Restorations Are Common for Second Molars
In most cases, tooth wear and tooth fracture result from mechanical overload at the tooth level because of uneven occlusal force distribution. So why...
Jim McKee | 2 years ago ›Autogenous Fat: Preferred Material for TMJ Disk Replacement
While disk repairs are the preferred option to restore normal joint anatomy, it may not be possible with the amount of soft- or hard-tissue deformation....
Jim McKee | 2 years ago ›Post-Pandemic Dentistry: TMD Fact and Fiction
Dr. Jim McKee explores why the pervasive myth behind TMD could contribute to missed diagnoses and improper treatment—and how doctors and teams can avoid it.
Jim McKee | 3 years ago ›6 Key Factors for Getting Patients to Say “Yes” to MRIs and CBCTs
Dr. Jim McKee discusses the six key clinical factors that can help uncertain patients recognize the value in TMJ imaging.
Jim McKee | 3 years ago ›Which Joint Classification System Should I Use?
Learn how to determine when the Research Diagnostic Criteria for Temporomandibular Disorder (RDC/TMD), the Wilkes Classification System and the Piper Classification...
Jim McKee | 3 years ago ›When Dental Patients Pop the Question ‘Can You Help Me?’
Learn how to address TMJ issues through Dr. Jim McKee's example of a new, 34-year-old patient who presented with a history of significant dental treatment.
Jim McKee | 3 years ago ›Patient History 101 (Lesson 4): Jaw Joint Pain
Having an accurate history of a patient's jaw joint pain is invaluable, Dr. Jim McKee explains in his series of articles on patient history.
Jim McKee | 3 years ago ›Patient History 101 (Lesson 3): Previous Treatment
Having an accurate history of a patient's previous dental treatment is invaluable for accurate treatment planning and predictable outcomes.
Jim McKee | 3 years ago ›Patient History 101 (Lesson 2): Joint Injuries
The restorative dentist has an invaluable tool with accurate patient history of jaw joint injuries. Dr. Jim McKee reveals key questions to ask during...
Jim McKee | 4 years ago ›