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Spear Digest Dental Articles

The Importance of Incisal and Occlusal Planes

The Importance of Incisal and Occlusal Planes

To achieve the most ideal esthetic and functional outcome for the patient, the goal in virtually all dental therapies is to level the incisal and occlusal...

| 11 years ago
Made in the Shade

Made in the Shade

One of the common challenges I face daily as a restorative dentist is shade matching. Teeth have different layers of color that allow for variances not...

| 11 years ago
Maintain Dentin Bond Strength Over Time

Maintain Dentin Bond Strength Over Time

Immediate dentin-resin microtensile bond strengths are high but the bond strengths often fall 30-40 percent in six to 12 months. Wouldn't it be...

| 11 years ago
Ten-point Crown Checklist

Ten-point Crown Checklist

In 'The Checklist Manifesto,' Dr. Atul Gawande, suggests that your work efficiency and outcome can be improved by using a simple checklist. Dr. Gawande describes...

| 11 years ago
Risks of Total-Etch Systems

Risks of Total-Etch Systems

The topic of dental adhesives has consistently complicated the world of dentistry for quite some time. Newer generations of both self-etch and total-etch...

| 11 years ago
Preparation Reduction Guide

Preparation Reduction Guide

Using mock-ups for ideal crown and veneer preparation is a great way to minimize preparation depth and unnecessary tooth structure loss. The same index...

| 11 years ago
Shade Change or Adjustment Requests for the Laboratory

Shade Change or Adjustment Requests for the Laboratory

In esthetically critical situations, there may be a need to modify the final shade of a restoration.

| 11 years ago
How to Prevent and Manage Bonded Contacts

How to Prevent and Manage Bonded Contacts

With the increased use of bonded all-ceramic materials in dentistry today, particularly in the posterior, one frustration I hear repeatedly from my fellow...

| 11 years ago
Shade Evaluation of All-Ceramic Restorations at Try-In

Shade Evaluation of All-Ceramic Restorations at Try-In

Accurate shade evaluation is critical to the success of a case. When opaque restorations such as porcelain fused-to-metal crowns are fabricated, the shade...

| 11 years ago
Acid Etching of Ceramic Before Bonding

Acid Etching of Ceramic Before Bonding

Learn more about acid etching ceramic restorations prior to bonding.

| 11 years ago
Create a Great Impression and Reduce Stress

Create a Great Impression and Reduce Stress

I was treating a patient recently and came across a common problem. Fortunately, I already had a solution based on trial and error. When...

| 11 years ago
It's the Simple Things That Matter

It's the Simple Things That Matter

As we see patients day in and day out, we focus on keeping our margins smooth and restorations looking and fitting exquisitely. We ensure their comfort...

| 11 years ago