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Spear Digest Dental Articles

Spear Concepts Help Florida Oral Surgeons Grow Practice 150%

Spear Concepts Help Florida Oral Surgeons Grow Practice 150%

'In our first year working with Spear's specialist program, our revenue went up well over 35%. So, it didn't take long to see real results. Overall,...

| 2 years ago
The Future of Collaborative Dentistry

The Future of Collaborative Dentistry

A discussion on why it is important for dentists and specialists to collaborate, how they can be better at it, and what the future holds.

| 2 years ago
What Every Dentist Ought to Know About Planning Vacation Time

What Every Dentist Ought to Know About Planning Vacation Time

Get insights into the importance of dentists taking vacation time from resident faculty Dr. Martin Mendelson.

| 2 years ago
Turning Dental Education into Entertainment with Dr. Ben Winters

Turning Dental Education into Entertainment with Dr. Ben Winters

Meet Dr. Ben Winters—a.k.a. @thebentist on TikTok—who has turned oral health into digital entertainment for his 10.5 million followers (you read that right).

| 2 years ago
Buying vs. Starting a Dental Practice – Tips and Considerations

Buying vs. Starting a Dental Practice – Tips and Considerations

Are you considering buying an existing practice or starting one from scratch? Dr. Carl Steinberg shares 40+ years of wisdom for doctors looking to...

| 2 years ago
Social Media in the Dental Practice—a Primer

Social Media in the Dental Practice—a Primer

Dr. Suzanna Sayegh shares why social media is the key to practice growth and patient education in the digital age.

| 2 years ago
Seven Proven Ways to Ramp Up Your Referral Relationships

Seven Proven Ways to Ramp Up Your Referral Relationships

Ready to supercharge your referral relationships? Resident faculty expert Aimee Fletcher shares focused and effective strategies for dental specialists.

| 2 years ago
Post-Pandemic Dentistry: Realizing the Opportunity in Cracked Teeth

Post-Pandemic Dentistry: Realizing the Opportunity in Cracked Teeth

Cracked teeth are on the rise since the pandemic – and the perfect opportunity to improve patient communication and profitability. Find out...

| 2 years ago
Resilience and Strong Relationships – Why You Can’t Have One Without the Other

Resilience and Strong Relationships – Why You Can’t Have One Without the Other

Are resilience and grit innate or learned? Spear resident faculty Dr. Jeffrey Bonk shares why relationships with your clinical community are key to resilient...

| 2 years ago
Changing the Narrative in Your Dental Practice and Community

Changing the Narrative in Your Dental Practice and Community

Are we talking about the wrong things in our dental practices? Spear resident faculty Dr. Ricardo Mitrani shares his vision for the dental profession...

| 2 years ago
Dental Practice Communication – Is Your Team as Smart as You?

Dental Practice Communication – Is Your Team as Smart as You?

Everyone in your practice will face questions from patients, so everyone should be prepared to answer them appropriately. But how can practice owners...

| 2 years ago
How to Set Expectations and Establish the Value of Care as a New Dentist

How to Set Expectations and Establish the Value of Care as a New Dentist

Patients often unfairly perceive a dentist's age as a measure of competence. Here's how new dentists can flip the script when answering seven questions...

| 2 years ago