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Spear Digest Dental Articles

Tom Case Study: Fabricating Shell Provisionals

Tom Case Study: Fabricating Shell Provisionals

In a recent article, 'Tom Case Study: Treatment Planning Part I', I walked you through my treatment plan for retired dentist, Tom. In this article,...

| 10 years ago
Tom Case Study: Treatment Planning Part II

Tom Case Study: Treatment Planning Part II

This is a continuation of Part I discussing the treatment planning involved with the case study of retired dentist, Tom. Regarding the actual tooth...

| 10 years ago
Understanding Reduction Copings

Understanding Reduction Copings

The concept of a reduction coping is to create more space for the restoration after the laboratory receives the impression or cast of the prepared...

| 10 years ago
Assessing Occlusal Plane/Midline Cant Problems

Assessing Occlusal Plane/Midline Cant Problems

At the time you try-in a patient's final restorations, if there is a cant to the occlusal plane or midline, you can follow these steps to assess or...

| 11 years ago
Tom Case Study: Treatment Planning Part I

Tom Case Study: Treatment Planning Part I

In this series of articles, I'm going to start on a new case study for a retired dentist named Tom. His desire was to replace a posterior reconstruction...

| 11 years ago
Nancy Case Study: Final Restoration

Nancy Case Study: Final Restoration

As the closing article in Nancy Case Study (Part I) series, I'll be discussing Nancy's final restorations. I ended up going with a...

| 11 years ago
Nancy Case Study: Communicating With the Lab [Part II]

Nancy Case Study: Communicating With the Lab [Part II]

Continuing the discussion on the Nancy Case Study, this article will highlight the lab communication phase that began in Part I. A critical part...

| 11 years ago
Nancy Case Study: Communicating with the Lab [Part I]

Nancy Case Study: Communicating with the Lab [Part I]

In a previous article, I went over the treatment planning process of Nancy's two central incisors that had old restorations and the completion of...

| 11 years ago
Nancy Case Study: Malalignment [Part II]

Nancy Case Study: Malalignment [Part II]

Continuing the series on the Nancy Case Study on malalignment, once the mock-up is approved, depth cuts and tooth preparation can begin. Whenever you're...

| 11 years ago
Nancy Case Study: Malalignment [Part I]

Nancy Case Study: Malalignment [Part I]

In this series of articles, I'll be going over the treatment process of Nancy. At the time of treatment she was 79 years old, had no chief...

| 11 years ago
Options for Altering Tissue Position

Options for Altering Tissue Position

The need to alter the position of the gingival tissue is something we all commonly face as restorative dentists. We regularly see patients with recession...

| 11 years ago
Anterior Temporaries: Adjusting Contour Intra-Orally

Anterior Temporaries: Adjusting Contour Intra-Orally

In an earlier article, I went over the importance of creating beautiful anterior temporaries to help build your practice and inspire confidence in your...

| 11 years ago