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Spear Digest Dental Articles

The 3 Accepts: Driving Case Acceptance in Urgent Times

The 3 Accepts: Driving Case Acceptance in Urgent Times

Discover simple steps to help patients recognize the value of dentistry and accept treatment planning in a time of crisis.

| 4 years ago
The Secret to Reliable Practice Growth

The Secret to Reliable Practice Growth

In a recent article I outlined the value of a patient's average treatment over 20 years, which is an eye-opening exercise for many practitioners....

| 10 years ago
Do Patients Understand Your Unique Value?

Do Patients Understand Your Unique Value?

Patients believe that most dentists are good—and they're right. Dentistry as a whole has demonstrated consistently high standards so most people are confident...

| 10 years ago
Let Your Patients See the Value Behind the Curtain

Let Your Patients See the Value Behind the Curtain

Are you the same dentist you were when you graduated from dental school? If you have been in practice for 10 years or more I bet you would say that...

| 10 years ago
Five Points of Clarity Before You Bring in an Associate

Five Points of Clarity Before You Bring in an Associate

So you've made the decision to expand operations and bring in an associate. Congratulations. But now that you have arrived at that answer, there are a...

| 10 years ago
Two Simple Secrets of Ideal Patient Retention

Two Simple Secrets of Ideal Patient Retention

Patient retention is obviously one of the most fundamental things to master to achieve success in dentistry. It doesn't matter how good your clinical...

| 10 years ago
How to Take Yes for an Answer

How to Take Yes for an Answer

Every practice has a protocol for their 'new patient experience' with first-time visitors. It's such a crucial subject that I have spent a lot of time...

| 10 years ago
Being 'Up Front' About Patient Payments

Being 'Up Front' About Patient Payments

In a recent article, I wrote about the importance of getting patients appointed for the nearest date possible after they agree to treatment. This way...

| 10 years ago
The Most Underrated Value Creation Tool In Dentistry

The Most Underrated Value Creation Tool In Dentistry

The intra-oral camera, panoramic digital X-rays and other technologies like them are phenomenal tools when it comes to educating patients about their...

| 10 years ago
How to Make a Long-Time Patient New Again

How to Make a Long-Time Patient New Again

Dentists tend to love new patients because a new face in the chair represents new possibilities. Here is someone who has never been exposed to your approach...

| 10 years ago
An Opportunity Too Big to See

An Opportunity Too Big to See

If you go anywhere in Africa, even to some of the most remote areas, you'll find signs for Bata Shoes. In fact in many places their market presence is...

| 10 years ago
A Simple Tip for Talking About Fees

A Simple Tip for Talking About Fees

'That sounds great, doc, but how much will it cost?' If you're like a lot of dentists this is among your least favorite questions. And it's not because you...

| 10 years ago