Quick and Easy Tip to Keep the Bases on Your Models
Have you ever had the bases come off your models? Chances are, your answer is yes – I know I have. And as we know, it is never convenient and the...
John Carson | 10 years ago ›Three Easy Ways to Duplicate Models
As I alluded to in the previous article, my general preference is to have my lab do the duplication for me – especially when dealing with a...
John Carson | 10 years ago ›Crown Lengthening Part II: Matrix Options
In this article I will discuss two options that help identify how far into the soft tissue the restorative dentist needs to go when doing their preparation...
John Carson | 10 years ago ›But Doc, Can’t You Just Fix My Broken Tooth?
While we all want to help patients in this situation as quickly as possible, it is important to ask ourselves what caused the broken tooth. In this particular...
John Carson | 10 years ago ›As we all know, we have a lot of new materials to pick from – and yet sometimes 'old friends' are the best thing for us to remember. Two of those...
John Carson | 10 years ago ›Segmenting a Full Mouth Diagnostic Wax-Up
Generally for me, all complex cases start with a diagnostic wax-up. Once this wax-up is done, I can base my preparations and provisionals off of this...
John Carson | 10 years ago ›We all know it's a fact that crown lengthening is often beneficial, if not downright required, to achieve an optimal restorative result for our patients.
John Carson | 10 years ago ›Implants: Custom Abutment Choices
Have you ever struggled with removing the cement around implant restorations as discussed in my previous article? Or perhaps you have struggled with proper...
John Carson | 10 years ago ›Soft Tissue Healing Around Dental Implants
As we all know, proper soft tissue healing is critical around dental implants. Not only must we achieve healthy tissue, but it is often vital to the success...
John Carson | 10 years ago ›Managing Cement Retained Implants
While cement retained implants are widely popular, cement sepsis is one issue when it comes to cement retained implants.
John Carson | 10 years ago ›New Materials: They're Here and More Are Coming
As we all know, change is always happening and dentistry is no exception – particularly when it comes to dental materials. Recently there has been a...
John Carson | 10 years ago ›Two Methods for a Clean and Clear Tongue Space
I don't know about you, but I really hate it when I get excess stone in the tongue space on a lower model. Not only does it look terrible, this excess...
John Carson | 10 years ago ›