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Spear Digest Dental Articles

Evaluating Occlusal Cant Problems During the Restoration Try In

Evaluating Occlusal Cant Problems During the Restoration Try In

Dr. Robert Winter discusses how to identify a cant problem in a restoration—and what to do about it.

| 1 year ago
Sequential Extraction Protocol for Full Arch Implant Therapy

Sequential Extraction Protocol for Full Arch Implant Therapy

In this fully illustrated article, Dr. Ricardo Mitrani show how the Sequential Extraction Protocol can be a preferred alternative in full arch cases.

| 1 year ago
OSHA in the Dental Office: Guidance for the Practice Manager

OSHA in the Dental Office: Guidance for the Practice Manager

To implement standards for OSHA in the dental office you should do a thorough hazard audit of your office and review all the potential individual regulations...

| 1 year ago
Mental Health in Dentistry: What’s Next?

Mental Health in Dentistry: What’s Next?

When looking at your mental health journey, setting boundaries can be an important part of this process. Dr. Noelle Schwarz examines mental health in...

| 1 year ago
5 Tips for Choosing Compliance Training Partners for OSHA

5 Tips for Choosing Compliance Training Partners for OSHA

The right compliance training partners for OSHA will have the proven expertise and resources you need to keep your practice team safe.

| 1 year ago
Mental Health in Dentistry: How Your Mindset Can Impact Your Clinical Performance

Mental Health in Dentistry: How Your Mindset Can Impact Your Clinical Performance

Mental health in dentistry is real. In this article, Dr. Martin Mendelson shares the connection between mind and body and how your mindset can impact...

| 1 year ago
How Dentists Can Support Gen Z Oral Care

How Dentists Can Support Gen Z Oral Care

Time, motivation and cost all act as barriers to Gen Z oral care. Dental practices can respond by offering convenience, education, and personalized service.

| 1 year ago
Does an Acid Insult Alone Cause Cupping or Cratering on Exposed Dentin?

Does an Acid Insult Alone Cause Cupping or Cratering on Exposed Dentin?

Spear Resident Faculty member Dr. Robert Winter reveals other factors, beyond acid insult, that can contribute to cupping and cratering on exposed dentin.

| 1 year ago
What is Eco-Friendly Dentistry? Making Your Dental Practice Greener

What is Eco-Friendly Dentistry? Making Your Dental Practice Greener

Eco-friendly dentistry is a process of cutting waste, managing energy and water use, and using environmentally safer materials to support the environment...

| 1 year ago
The Advantages of Implant-Assisted Removable Partial Dentures (RPDs)

The Advantages of Implant-Assisted Removable Partial Dentures (RPDs)

Dr. Ricardo Mitrani outlines the benefits of implant-assisted RPDs and explains why they can be an ideal 'transitional' treatment option for many patients.

| 1 year ago
The Pros and Cons of Dental Cements

The Pros and Cons of Dental Cements

Dr. John Carson examines the pros and cons of the three main types of dental cements.

| 1 year ago
The Role the First Point of Contact Plays in the Restorative Process

The Role the First Point of Contact Plays in the Restorative Process

Dr. Douglas Benting talks about identifying the first point of contact in occlusion, and the role it plays in the restorative process.

| 1 year ago