When I was a young boy, I remember hearing the nursery rhyme “London Bridge is Falling Down” and being quite worried. Not just because the bridge was falling but because I had not had a chance to see it. I also remember watching jet planes fly overhead and thinking about how one day I would be in one of them. I dreamed that one day I would fly in a plane to England and see that bridge before it fell.

Imtiaz Manji discusses most important life lesson

Eventually I did make it to London – I even went to school there – and every time I return there now I get a smile on my face when I see that bridge. It reminds me of one of my earliest goals in life, how innocent it was, yet how big that dream seemed. I remember how desperately I wanted to see the bridge and how absolutely certain I was that I was going to, no matter what.

As it turns out, I was in London again last week, and this time when I looked at the bridge, the memories – and the thoughts of doing the things you really want in life – felt more poignant. That’s because I was there for the funeral of a beloved uncle, Shahinool’s father’s brother.

It was the second funeral for a dear family member this year, after my father passed away in January. And as with any funeral, it gets you thinking about probably the most important life lesson of all: Everyone’s time on this earth is limited, and we owe it to ourselves to make the most of that time. Nobody understood this better than my uncle, a man who was devoted to doing as much as he could with every day and who had a profound influence on everyone who knew him.

Big Ben

So I use this opportunity to remind you of something I’m sure you know but may still need to act upon: Do the things that are important to you. Maybe it’s seeing a world famous iconic structure. Maybe it’s visiting a place you have dreamed of. Or maybe it’s something you’ve wanted to do or learn – go skydiving, learn a new language – or something you have always wanted to do with your career or your dental practice. Take the steps now to make it real.

London Bridge may not be falling down, but there is no substitute for seeing that for yourself with your own eyes.

(Click this link for more articles by Imtiaz Manji.)





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