Life is full of coincidences. Soon after I posted a video on how you have to believe it before you see it, I was on a flight where I ran into a longtime client. It turns out he had just seen the video and he thanked me for reminding him of the importance of having a guiding vision to believe in. Then he reminded me of an example from his life – and his son's life – that really drove that point home.

His son, you see, had attended the second-ever Young and Motivated workshop as a teenager, and according to my friend it had a profound influence on how he approached life as he entered adulthood. The young man emerged from the program with an inspired sense of purpose. He went on to complete his university education and start his own business. Now, at the age of 23, he has developed into a successful independent entrepreneur. His life is on track.

This client became rather emotional as he told me the story of how proud he was of his son, who was driven by an unshakeable vision. He said he can attribute the young man's success to a lot of factors, but one thing that stands out is the experience he had at Young and Motivated at a very crucial time in his development.

His story reminded me that young people, most of all, need to believe it before they see it. When we're young, and life seems to stretch out in front of us forever, it's easy to live day by day with no real sense of direction or urgency. But when young people can be made to see their life in a greater context, when they develop a concrete vision of what they can be, when they approach their time, money, and relationships in the right way, when they realize they can't write a check for yesterday and they come to fully appreciate just how rich they are in time and possibilities, and are given the coaching to pursue those possibilities with focus... well, wonderful things can happen, and future leaders are born. I know – my sons, who are now 30 and 26, spent crucial years in their young adulthood developing the Young and Motivated program, and I know that having that focus helped shape them into the leaders they are today. They're on track, too – as are the other 2,000 grads who have been through the program.