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Spear Digest Dental Articles

BULL Rule - Or Is It a Guideline?

BULL Rule - Or Is It a Guideline?

According to the BULL rule, modification should be made to the buccal cusps of the upper posterior teeth and the lingual cusps of the lower posterior...

| 8 years ago
Tooth Wear Appliances: Anterior Bite Planes

Tooth Wear Appliances: Anterior Bite Planes

Anterior bite planes are an excellent choice for patients with tooth wear from attrition. Learn more about this occlusal appliance from Dr. Frank Spear.

| 8 years ago
A Tooth Wear Case

A Tooth Wear Case

In this tooth wear case study, we look at overcoming the fear and frustration of treating worn dentition by using Facially Generated Treatment Planning.

| 8 years ago
Troubleshooting Limited Orthodontic Options

Troubleshooting Limited Orthodontic Options

Though limited orthodontic treatment with limited appliances can be a benefit to the patient, it can also mean unexpected tooth movements. Here are some...

| 8 years ago
Managing Over-eruption Following Tooth Wear

Managing Over-eruption Following Tooth Wear

In this comprehensive article, we go over treating isolated wear on segments of teeth, which can be a confusing problem for dental clinicians.

| 8 years ago
Where's the Overjet: Why Veneers Are Breaking Off

Where's the Overjet: Why Veneers Are Breaking Off

In this case presentation, we look at treatment options for a dental patient who's veneers keep breaking and popping off. What would you do?

| 8 years ago
As If the Debate About Centric Relation Wasn't Enough: Part III

As If the Debate About Centric Relation Wasn't Enough: Part III

When treating your bruxing patients, could you be contributing to sleep apnea? Here are some questions to ask yourself and your patients.

| 8 years ago
New Spear Online Course: “Common Patterns of Tooth Wear and Their Treatment”

New Spear Online Course: “Common Patterns of Tooth Wear and Their Treatment”

Dr. Frank Spear teaches teams the three most common patterns of tooth wear and how to apply these concepts to a clinical case.

| 8 years ago
Why You Should Be Excited About Digital Occlusion

Why You Should Be Excited About Digital Occlusion

As digital dentistry continues to evolve, dentists can apply occlusal principles to better diagnose and treat patients.

| 8 years ago
Selecting the Best Temporary Occlusal Appliances

Selecting the Best Temporary Occlusal Appliances

Dr. Gary DeWood compares and contrasts anterior and posterior temporary occlusal appliances.

| 8 years ago
An Insidious Yet Often Missed Dental Wear Pattern

An Insidious Yet Often Missed Dental Wear Pattern

Dr. John Carson discusses pathway wear and considerations for treatment.

| 8 years ago
New Spear Online Course: “Airway vs. Occlusion: The Role of the Dental Profession” Part 1

New Spear Online Course: “Airway vs. Occlusion: The Role of the Dental Profession” Part 1

Dr. Kevin Kwiecien addresses the dilemma of protecting teeth versus opening the airway.

| 8 years ago