This free examination checklist will not only help you ensure you're offering the most comprehensive experience; it'll help your patients understand your...
Gary DeWood | 7 years ago ›In this tooth wear case study, we look at overcoming the fear and frustration of treating worn dentition by using Facially Generated Treatment Planning.
Gary DeWood | 9 years ago ›Dental Insurance in the 21st Century
Put a group of dentists together and before long the discussion invariably turns to dental insurance. Today, if those dentists are in the states of Washington...
Gary DeWood | 10 years ago ›This maxillary right central incisor is going away. The resorption evident on the root has left it little support, and it exhibits a 3+...
Gary DeWood | 12 years ago ›Composite materials in dentistry have come of age during my career. When I was at Case Western Reserve Dental School in Cleveland we had Adaptic,...
Gary DeWood | 12 years ago ›Yesterday, Cheryl's Buick told her to pull over and turn off the engine. She did. Cheryl has always listened to those with more information than her and...
Gary DeWood | 12 years ago ›I'm planning for a patient appointment shortly after New Year's, and part of my preparation is putting together the appropriate checklist. Do you use...
Gary DeWood | 13 years ago ›