The Evolution of Composites and Light-Curing
We look at the evolution of light curing and composite materials and what you can do to better your outcomes today.
Gary DeWood | 6 years ago ›Cementation and Bonding Systems Checklists
Checklists are important to ensure successful, repeatable results. That is why we're offering a free set of customizable bonding protocol checklists for...
Gary DeWood | 6 years ago ›The question of cementing or bonding e.max restorations is not always easy to answer. Here we break down various e.max products to see if there is one right answer.
Gary DeWood | 7 years ago ›Return On Investment in the Dental Practice
Understanding the basics of ROI (return on investment) is crucial to enhancing technology and profitability in your practice.
Gary DeWood | 7 years ago ›Gold, Ceramic and Composite: A Restorative Dental Material Discussion
What lasts longer? What's more esthetically pleasing? We look at restorative dental material options and what dentists should consider.
Gary DeWood | 8 years ago ›EFSB Guide 2016: Revised for Easier Use
Learn how to get the outcomes you desire for your patients with our updated Esthetics-Function-Structure-Biology Checklist.
Gary DeWood | 8 years ago ›How to Get the Most Out of Analog Articulators
Analog articulators may be considered 'old school,' but there are advantages to using them.
Gary DeWood | 8 years ago ›Two Steps to Better Bonding in Dental Restorations
Besides the two steps to better bonding, we also cover solutions to potential problems with etching and silane application.
Gary DeWood | 9 years ago ›This Facebow Must Be Wrong! The Model Will Not Fit.
Has this ever happened to you? The upper model is trimmed normally, you position it on the bitefork, close the upper member of the articulator, and the...
Gary DeWood | 9 years ago ›An example of a leaf gauge. If you like using the leaf gauge as much as I do, you undoubtedly have occasions when you wonder why there is a discrepancy...
Gary DeWood | 9 years ago ›Topical anesthetics are designed to make the use of local anesthesia as comfortable as possible, something that is appreciated by patients and dentists...
Gary DeWood | 10 years ago ›I have always loved science and numbers; putting the world around me into neat little boxes of information that can be classified, reviewed and studied....
Gary DeWood | 10 years ago ›