Time is a great equalizer. Nobody, regardless of how privileged he or she may be in any other area of life, gets more minutes in an hour or days in a week than anybody else. So why is it that some people seem to get so much more out of their time than others? They might be busy, but they never appear stressed. These people are super-productive. What is their secret?

In a word: awareness. Look at the most successful people in any field and you will see that they all have an acute awareness of the value of their time and find ways to leverage it to the fullest. They are aware that they can't buy any more time, no matter how successful they become.

Being aware of the value of your time means focusing on the big "rocks" that define every aspect of your life and getting rid of the clutter. For instance, if you always seem to have a stack of magazines waiting to be read, decide which one or two are really worthwhile for you and discard the rest before they have a chance to pile up.

This is a topic of enduring interest to me. I had the best time putting together the material for the Digital Campus courses on this because it made me re-examine how I spend the time in my life. My awareness has been tremendously heightened by the coaching I have received on how to get the most from my time.

Look for ways to optimize the value of your time and the time of those around you. For instance, get the right education in areas like case acceptance, case types, fee setting and scheduling. Get coaching on how to optimize these operations in the practice so that every moment of every day is on purpose.

A few little tweaks here and there and you'll find that those changes add up to a big bottom line difference. Suddenly you're getting more value from each hour, which means the days seem less stressful and life feels more fulfilling.


Commenter's Profile Image Barry Polansky
April 15th, 2013
The Law of the Vital Few---aka---The 80/20 Rule.